The workshop on “Innovations in Healthcare Informatics” aims to gather researchers

Dear colleague, the iSCSi – Association for Industry Sciences and Computer Sciences Innovation is pleased to warmly welcome everyone planning to attend our annual event, the iSCSi – International Conference on Industry Science and Computer Sciences Innovation 2024 edition. The conference will be held in Porto, Portugal, in the exuberant Hilton Garden Boeira Hotel from 29 to 31 October 2024.
iSCSi’24, indexed to Web of Science & SCOPUS, intends to bring together leading international experts on computer and production systems technologies, logistics, and cutting-edge information systems and technologies, from academia and industry to discuss ground-breaking issues and trends in computer technologies that enable manufacturing, supply chain management, Industry 4.0 and sustainable growth and advances in computer sciences that support the industry sector.
Within three days, the iSCSi’24 will debate critical impact factors within Industry Sciences Innovation and Computer Sciences Innovation, collecting and providing empirical knowledge of scientists and researchers from all over the five continents.
Here we will have the opportunity to share knowledge and experiences and bring disruptive ideas and the latest developments in the largely multidisciplinary field embraced by the Industry Sciences and Computer Sciences.
As an AIS Affiliated Conference, iSCSi’24 aims to attract original and relevant contributions to the emergent panorama of modern societies that fully embrace scientific methods to overcome technological challenges within Industry Sciences Innovation and Computer Sciences Innovation
Additionally, the conference proceedings will be published in Elsevier Procedia, Open Access, and indexed in Scopus & Web of Science (former ISI); selected papers will be published in top journals.
We invite you to see in the following link the 2022 and 2023 publications in Elsevier’s Proceedia Computer Sciences:
Yours sincerely,
iSCSi’24 Chairs
The workshop on “Innovations in Healthcare Informatics” aims to gather researchers
The Annual Excellence in Masters and Doctoral Research Award stands as a pinnacle of recognition, aiming to …
The Cyberknife – Workshop on Cybersecurity & Data Privacy, will be held in …
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The iSCSi – International Conference on Industry Sciences and Computer Sciences Innovation will be held in Lisbon, Portugal. For more details, please read our Venue page here
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iSCSi – International Conference on Industry Sciences and Computer Sciences templates are available in Submission Guidelines.