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Previous Years’ Proceedings

Welcome to the ISCSI Conference, a premier event in the field of computer science, renowned for its rigorous selection process and high-quality research presentations. Each year, we bring together leading academics, industry professionals, and researchers to share their latest findings and innovations. The proceedings from our conference are published in ScienceDirect Procedia Computer Science by Elsevier, ensuring wide visibility and accessibility. Our proceedings are indexed in Scopus and Web of Science, reflecting the high impact and relevance of the research presented.

2023 Proceedings

Preface – https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877050924010883

Volume 1

Volume 2

2022 Proceedings

Preface – https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877050922008584

Volume 1

Volume 2

Feel free to explore these comprehensive records of cutting-edge research and advancements presented by esteemed scholars and industry experts. Each volume of proceedings encapsulates the discussions, findings, and innovative solutions shared at the ISCSI Conference, contributing significantly to the field of computer science.

Warm Regards

iSCSi Secretariat