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Special track/workshop on Industry Applications

ISCSI will bring together participants from academia and industry in a forum for exchanging news and research results on theory and applications of industry sciences and computer sciences innovations and applications in industry.

Geared toward facilitating collaborations between industrial and academic members, the conference features sessions to discuss original, high-impact academic contributions, along with sessions to discuss practical problems, challenges, and solutions related to the conference theme.

The goal of the Special Track on Industry Applications is to bring together engineering and industrial management and computer sciences practitioners and the academic community to exchange ideas on industrial problems. The special track aims not only to bring scientific results and innovations to practice but also to identify scientific challenges by analyzing the limitations of current results to tackle real-world problems.

The special track organizers invite manuscripts reporting practical experiences, real-world applications and results, emerging challenges, and lessons learned on topics of interest that are similar to those in the general conference call for papers. Submissions are accepted as full papers or extended abstracts and can take one of the following formats:

  • Problem statement papers that describe a significant challenge that has been encountered in the industry and has not been satisfactorily solved.
  • Vision papers that propose a solution and a research or innovation roadmap for addressing a significant challenge experienced in the industry.
  • Innovative industrial advancements report on the innovative application of a concept, method, or framework in an industrial context, including the lessons learned.

All accepted papers will be presented at the conference and included in the Special Track on Industry Applications Proceedings, to be published in the format of an eBook with ISSN.

Papers submitted to this track will be evaluated using the following criteria:

  • Relevance of the contents to the industrial track audience and the topics of interest of the conference
  • Improvement in the state-of-the-practice
  • Clarity of the descriptions of the application problem, techniques used, and results
  • Applicability to real-world problems and generality of results
  • The overall quality of the manuscript


iSCSi special track on Industry Applications considers full paper and extended abstract submissions.

  • Extended abstracts must strictly follow the template provided and should present a word count of between 750 and 1.000 words.
  • Full papers must strictly follow the template provided and not exceed six pages.

Last Important Dates

  • Last Deadline for paper submission: August 10, 2024
  • Last Notification of acceptance/rejection: August 25, 2024
  • Last Revised Version / Camera Ready: September 15, 2024
  • Conference: October 29, 30, and 31, 2024

Submission Procedure

Please use the following link to submit your paper:

Submit workshop paper

Paper format

Manuscripts must be written in English. Each manuscript should not exceed the maximum number of pages predefined for each submission type, considering the format available:

Paper templates and guidelines.